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Monday Oct 28, 2024  4:38 PM
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No Interred Record




1489 Drift
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Supplementary Information

0   Marked Stones in this Cemetery
6   Unmarked Stones (Fieldstones) in this Cemetery

There is no G. R. number for this cemetery. Based on Wainer homestead evidence found on an old Westport map and Wainer family history, we believe that this and a nearby cemetery were the burial grounds for the Wainer family, people of color - African American and Native American related to the family of Capt. Paul Cuffe through marriage and partnerships. Paul Cuffe bought 100 acres of the Ebenezer Eddy homestead in 1799 and sold it at the same price to Michael Wainer in 1800. There are 46 acres remaining in the hands of the Wainer descendants.

Map Details

GPS North: 41.54763
GPS West: 71.07394
(Readings from: center)

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