Cornelius T Allen |
Lot Title
Location in Cemetery
Section: I
Lot: 67
Grave: --
Date of death0-0-1905 |
Date of birth0-0-1821 |
Age83 yrs 11 mths 0 dys |
Verse (Legibility: G - GOOD)"Father" is engraved at top of Cornelius' stone. |
Veteran Information
Veteran: Yes
Relatives"Mother" is engraved at the top of the tablet to the right of Cornelius' on the same granite base followed by the inscription Elizabeth T. Churchill Brightman Allen 1827 - 1908. |
Stone ShapeR - ROUNDED TOP |
Stone DecorationN - NONE |
Stone ConditionG - GOOD |
Stone MaterialG - GRANITE |
State of StoneU - OK - STANDING UPRIGHT |
Other InformationCornelius Treat Allen was a prosperous blacksmith in the shop next to his house at 1813 Main Road. He was a hospital nurse during the war for one year from September 1862 to September 1863 at the U.S. General Hospital in Portsmouth Grove, RI. He had three children: Ferdinand, Asa B. and Georgiana. After the war, he continued to live at 1813 Main Road and work as a blacksmith. This information is from the Andrew C. Macomber and Richard W. Wertz document "Westporters and the Civil War". His father was Green Allen and his mother was Phebe Sanford. |
Allen, Albert Julian
Allen, Almira Wilbor
Allen, Asa Bodfish
Allen, Bertha L
Clara E Lawton Allen
Allen, Cora B
Allen, Cornelius T
Allen, Eli Green
Allen, Eli Green
Elizabeth Tripp Brightman Allen
Emma L Manchester Allen
Allen, Georgiana S
Allen, Gideon
Julia A P Brightman Allen
Allen, Lizzie C
Allen, Mary Dunham
Allen, Pardon
Allen, Pardon S
Allen, Rebecca
Allen, William R
Allen, William
Allen, William M
Baker, Abbie
Abbie L Gifford Baker
Baker, Jehiel
Captain John H Baker
Baker, Mary W
Baker, Mercy Etta
Baker, Ursula
Ball, Aberdeen
Ball, Amy Davis
Ball, Captain Charles
Lydia A Davis Ball
Ball, Maria Amelia
Ball, Pardon K
Ball, Ruth Wilcox
Ball, Susan R
Barker, Hannah M
Barker, Mary W
Barnett, Betsy Mayhew
Bassett, Hannah Gifford
Bassett, Joseph S
Bateman, William Pitt
Bateman, William Hector
Beard, Elizabeth G
Beard, Samuel C
Bonney, America
Boyce, Anna
Boyce, Bertha H
Boyce, Caroline H
Captain Edward M Boyce
Boyce, Hannah A
Boyce, Hope E
Boyce, Stacy
Bradley, G E
Bradly, Emily L
Briggs, Charles Herbert
Mary S Tripp Briggs
Mary S Tripp Briggs
Briggs, Phebe Jane
Brightman, Alexander S
Brightman, Ann J
Brightman, Anna K
Brightman, Arthur B
Brightman, Betsey
Cordelia A Palmer Brightman
Brightman, Deborah
Brightman, Diana Dorothy
Brightman, Dianah A
Brightman, Dorethy A
Brightman, Edna M
Brightman, Elias P
Brightman, Emma
Brightman, Fulton P
Brightman, George T
Brightman, George L
Brightman, George W
Brightman, Georgie Lewis
Brightman, Hannah C
Brightman, Ida M
Brightman, Isaac L
Brightman, Isaac
Brightman, Israel A
Brightman, Jane W
Brightman, Captain Jeremiah
Brightman, John H
Brightman, Julia A
Brightman, Laura L
Lena W Briggs Brightman
Brightman, Linda C
Brightman, Lucy
Brightman, Lucy B
Brightman, Marietta
Mary E Manchester Brightman
Brightman, Nancy S
Captain Perry P Brightman
Phebe A Hart Brightman
Brightman, Phebe B
Brightman, Philenia Wood
Brightman, Rachel P
Brightman, Rebecca Churchill
Brightman, Restcome S
Brightman, Rodolphius A
Brightman, Rufus W
Brightman, Captain Samuel
Brightman, Samuel C
Brightman, Sarah B
Brightman, Sarah S
Brightman, Simeon M
Brightman, Thomas J
Brightman, Captain William
Brightman, William W
Brown, Charlotte
Brown, Elizabeth Seabury
Brown, Emeline
Brown, Henry A
Mary E Hicks Brown
Brownell, Cynthia B
Brownell, George C
Brownell, Horatio H
Cadman, Amy
Cadman, Hannah
Cadman, Ruth
Capen, Andrew Jackson
Capen, Kate Clark
Carroll, Selima
Alvira H 'Olie' Carter
Carter, Lemira W
Carter, Richard W
Case, Fally
Case, Leander
Case, Pardon
Chace, Anna M
Chandler, Lois K
Clark, John A
Mary A Baker Clark
Columbia, Infant
Connor, Charles M
Connor, Grace S
Cornell, James P
Cory, Albert F
Cory, Alexander H
Cory, Alexander H
Cory, Amy
Cory, Andrew
Cory, Charles B
Cory, Clarisa M
Cory, Deborah
Cory, Deborah
Cory, Diana
Cory, Drusilla
Cory, Elizabeth Bly
Cory, Emma Brownell
Cory, Hannah H
Cory, Helen C
Cory, Infant
Cory, Isaac
Cory, Captain Isaac
Cory, Isaac
Cory, Joseph P
Cory, Joseph A
Cory, Mary Cadman
Cory, Mary Brownell
Mary Ann Prince Cory
Cory, Mercy Brownell
Cory, Ruth
Sarah W Hammond Crandall
Cunningham, Cynthia B
Cunningham, Frederick M
Davis, Abby Sowle
Captain Alfred C Davis
Davis, Christopher A
Emma L Pierce Davis
Davis, Ezra W
Davis, Florena M
Captain Gideon Davis Jr
Davis, Gideon
Davis, Hannah P
Davis, Helen E
Davis, Huldah K
Davis, Infant
Davis, Infant
Davis, Isabel L
Davis, Isabel A
Davis, Isabel
Davis, Captain Job
Davis, John A
Davis, Julia A
Davis, Lucia A
Davis, Mary A
Mary Almy Allen Davis
Davis, Pardon
Sarah B Watkins Davis
Davis?, Infants Brightman?
Lydia A Macomber Dennis
Devoll, Benjamin
Devoll, Benjamin P
Mary A Wing Devoll
Devoll, Susan S
Durfee, Almira Mayhew
Durfee, Thomas
Dyer, Abraham
Dyer, Angeline
Dyer, Canaan G
Dyer, Charlie T
Dyer, Cynthia
Dyer, Ellen C
Dyer, Henry C
Dyer, Isaac T
Dyer, Lydia
Dyer, Samuel
Dyer, William
Gammons, Frederick A
Gammons, Hannah M
Rev. John G Gammons
Gammons, Merrill White
Gammons, Velzora Briggs
Gifford, Albert A
Gifford, Alida A
Gifford, Allen
Gifford, Ann Sisson
Gifford, Captain Benjamin
Gifford, Charles H
Gifford, Christopher
Gifford, Christopher D
Gifford, Christopher
Gifford, Cornelius
Gifford, Deborah
Gifford, Delilah
Gifford, Elizabeth
Gifford, Emeline
Gifford, George A
Captain George Gifford Jr
Gifford, Hannah R
Gifford, Hannah
Gifford, Hattie M
Captain Humphrey Almy Gifford
Gifford, Ina May
Gifford, Ina May
Gifford, James B
Gifford, Joseph A
Gifford, Julia A
Gifford, Lafayette L
Gifford, Lucy A
Gifford, Ludevena A
Gifford, Myra B
Gifford, Nancy
Gifford, Pardon
Gifford, Phebe Davis
Gifford, Russell
Gifford, Sadie B
Gifford, Samuel
Gifford, Sarah P
William H H Gifford
Lois Elaine Connor Goulart
Goulart, Manuel Louis
Grinnell, Deborah Brownell
Deborah A Palmer Grinnell
Grinnell, Kate L
Grinnell, Oliver Charles
Grinnell, Philip
Grinnell, Philip L
Grinnell, Thomas Palmer
Grinnell, Thomas P
Groves, Alexander
Groves, Lydia H
Hall, Anna Loraine
Hall, Basil Douglas
Hall, Charles Cuthbert
Hall, Jeanie Stewart
Hall, Katherine Stanley
Hall, Robert Andrew
Hall, Theodore Eldridge
Hammond, Caroline M
Charles W C Hammond
Hammond, Elijah R
Hammond, Emeline H
Lulu M Earle Hammond
Sarah E J Palmer Hammond
Hammond, William A
Hammond, William S
Hicks, Caroline A
Elizabeth P Howland Hicks
Hicks, William B
Hitt, Howard F
Hitt, Lizzie Leonara
Hitt, Mary Macgreevey
Hobbs, Adelaide T
Hogle, Amy Cadman
Hopkins, Susan M
Ann M Dyer Howland
Howland, Cippie D
Edna C Haskell Howland
Howland, Edward A
Howland, Eleanor C
Howland, Elma
Howland, Hannah M
Howland, Captain Jethro
Peace M Potter Howland
Howland, Rebecca
Howland, Rebecca
Howland, William P
Howland, William J
Howland, Willie
Howland, Zoeth
Hoxie, Polly
King, Alfred
King, Nancy M
Kirby, Cynthia
Kirby, Lydia
Kirby, Pardon
Bertha B Cory Kugler
Kugler, Jeanne E
Kugler, Louise Austin
Kugler, Richard C
Kugler, William A
Kugler, William E
Infant D W M
MacDonald, Mary Elizabeth
MacDonald, Theodore Ralph
Macomber, Abial
Macomber, Abigail H
Adin H N Macomber
Macomber, Alice
Macomber, Andrew H
Macomber, Andrew P
Macomber, Charles
Macomber, Charles F
Macomber, Charles
Macomber, Charlotte M
Macomber, Clara A
Macomber, Clarence Irving
Macomber, Deborah A
Macomber, Elihu G
Macomber, Eliza A
Macomber, Elizabeth
Captain Frank C Macomber
Macomber, Franklin E
Macomber, Franklin G
Macomber, George R
Macomber, George P
Macomber, George B
Macomber, George P
Isabel D Ball Macomber
Macomber, Israel
Macomber, Leon Sherwood
Macomber, Louisa D
Macomber, Lydia
Macomber, Mary L
Macomber, Mary S
Macomber, Mary Ann
Macomber, Mary L
Macomber, Mary E
Mary E Manchester Macomber
Macomber, Otis
Macomber, Pamelia
Macomber, Pardon A
Macomber, Pardon
Macomber, Captain Pardon
Macomber, Peace
Macomber, Permilla
Macomber, Phebe
Macomber, Priscilla B
Macomber, Rachel Brightman
Macomber, Restcome
Macomber, Rufus B
Macomber, Sarah
Macomber, Simeon
Macomber, Simeon
Macomber, Varnum
Macomber, William
Macomber, William R
Manchester, Abby
Angeline B Hart Manchester
Manchester, Aroet R
Manchester, Carrie A
Manchester, Charlotte S
Emily J Sowle Manchester
Manchester, George Woodworth
George L Manchester Jr
Captain George L Manchester
Manchester, Henry Eames
Manchester, Hercules
Manchester, James W
Manchester, James W
Manchester, James P
Lena E Evans Manchester
Manchester, Mary
Manchester, Pardon H
Manchester, Sarah E
Manchester, Theodore T
Manchester, William W
Manchester, William H
Mason, Mary Macomber
Mayhew, Almira D
Mayhew, Benjamin T
Mayhew, Benjamin T
Mayhew, Betsey Tripp
Mayhew, Charles M
Mayhew, Christopher Bly
Mayhew, Dorothy B
Mayhew, Eddie
Captain Edwin L Mayhew
Mayhew, Edwin L
Mayhew, Eleanor S
Mayhew, Hannah G
Mayhew, Captain Hillyard
Mayhew, Isabel B
Mayhew, Jeremiah B
Mayhew, Judith Brownell
Lydia T Wing Mayhew
Mayhew, Nancy
Mayhew, Oliver Hicks
Rebecca A Alty Mayhew
Mayhew, Ruth White
Mayhew, Thomas H
Captain Thomas W Mayhew
Medeiros, Sylvia Ann
Montigny, Howard R
Murphy, Clara B
Palmer, David C
Etta J Allen Palmer
Palmer, Falley
Palmer, Frederick W
Palmer, Hazel Tripp
Palmer, Henry
Louisa R Hammond Palmer
Melanie J Vohnoutka Palmer
Palmer, Raymond C
Palmer, Rose
Pettey, Alice M
Pettey, Emily R
Pettey, Lillian
William E L Pettey
Pineau, Alfred E
Pineau, Marion B
Porter, Charlotte B
Porter, Helen Irene
Porter, John B
Porter, Lottie
Potter, George H
Potter, Linwood S
Potter, Susan M
Preston, John Linnartz
Katherine Hamlin Hall Preston
Prince, Henrietta Scarborough
Scribner, Almeda
Scribner, Merritt
Sisson, Abbie C
Abby W. Gifford Sisson
Sisson, Abner
Sisson, Almy Gifford
Sisson, Caroline E
Sisson, Charles H
Sisson, Cynthia Ann
Sisson, Edith
Eliza A Potter Sisson
Sisson, George M
Sisson, George F
Sisson, George H
Sisson, Infant
Sisson, Jonathan F
Sisson, Susan Matthews
William F M Sisson
Snow, Lillian A
Soule, Adeline E
Sowle, Abel
Sowle, Alexander H.
Sowle, Andrew Hicks
Sowle, Andrew
Sowle, Charles P
Sowle, Charles T
Sowle, Clementine F
Captain Edward G Sowle
Sowle, Edward H
Sowle, Eleanor C
Sowle, Elijah H
Captain Gideon W Sowle
Sowle, Hannah H
Sowle, Israel
Captain James M Sowle
James M Sowle Jr
Sowle, James E
Sowle, Captain John
Sowle, Joseph H
Sowle, Mary F
Sowle, Mary Hannah
Sowle, Mary Sophia
Mary A Manchester Sowle
Sowle, Nancy H
Sowle, Oliver
Sowle, Patience H
Sowle, Phebe M
Sowle, Phebe A
Sowle, Philip Grinnell
Sowle, Polly
Sowle, Ruth A
Sowle, Ruth A
Sowle, Sophia
Sowle, Sophia
Sowle, William Marvel
Stevens, Alice C
Stevens, Ida May
Stevens, Infant
Stevens, John Warren
Stevens, John Warren?
Stevens, Leland Roswell
Minnie Frances Rose Stevens
Stevens, Susan Minola
Stoddard, Abbie M
Stoddard, Justin Jacob
Terry, Adeline S
Abby D Allen Tompkins
Tompkins, Clara L
Tompkins, Eddie L
Tompkins, Isaac B
Tompkins, Meribah
Tompkins, Captain Perce
Tompkins, Tilly B
Tripp, Albert Edward
Tripp, Alfred Clark
Tripp, Captain Allen
Tripp, Betsy A
Tripp, Clark Howland
Tripp, Eliza R
Tripp, Elizabeth
Tripp, Emma Adeline
Hannah C Wing Tripp
Tripp, Hervy Weston
Tripp, Job
Tripp, Lucy W
Lydia Davis Hart Tripp
Tripp, Mary Southern
Tripp, Mary Macomber
Tripp, Mary Southern
Mary A Freeborn Tripp
Tripp, Pardon A
Tripp, Uriah Howland
Tripp, William R
Washburn, George Edward
Watkins, Abigail Seabury
Watkins, Abigail
Watkins, Mary Davis
Watkins, Thomas
Watkins, William
Carrie B Brownell Wells
Dr W Scott Wells
West, Andrew D
West, Joanna I
White, Christopher
Wicks, Barbara Bruce
Wicks, Caroline Louise
Wicks, David Douglas
Wicks, Eleanor Macmaster
Wicks, Mary Boyd
Wicks, Robert Russell
Wicks, Robert Stewart
Williams, Betsey Dorsey
Wing, Abby A
Wing, Abby Gifford
Wing, Barney
Wing, Carlton B
Wing, Charles T
Wing, Edith A
Wing, Eliza
Wing, Eliza
Captain Frederick A Wing
Wing, Israel
Wing, Julia
Nancy S Brightman Wing
Captain Perry G Wing
Wing, Rachael
Wing, Stephen A
Susan P Allen Wing
Withee, Frances S
Wood, Bathana B
Wood, Israel
Wood, Rachel M
Woodward, Henry Stimson
Woodward, Philip Grinnell
Woodward, Ruth Margaret
Ruth Ellen Sowle Woodward
Woodward, Solomon
Woodworth, Charles W
Woodworth, Cynthia P