Burial records (Interred)

Monday Oct 14, 2024  10:59 PM
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Lot Title
Section Plot
Title (mr., dr.)FirstMiddleMaidenLast/SirSuffix (Jr., III)
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No. Name Date death Date Birth Age Veteran Location Cemetery
1 Benjamin Brownell Apr-11-1830 0-0-1759 71y 0m 0d Yes Sec:a 858 - BROWNELL - HANDY
2 Zaccheus Gifford May-25-1865 0-0-1788 77y 0m 0d Yes Sec:a 816 - GIFFORD - RICHMOND - MOSHER
3 Doctor James Hervy Handy May-15-1868 Nov-13-1792 75y 6m 2d Yes Sec:a 858 - BROWNELL - HANDY
4 William Manchester May-22-1859 0-0-0 68y 6m 11d Yes Sec:D2, Lot:54, #1 804 - BEECH GROVE
5 Colonel Nathaniel Nelson 0-0-0 0-0-0 0y 0m 0d Yes Sec:a 854 - PETTY
6 Elias Petty May-20-1849 Nov-17-1787 62y 0m 0d Yes Sec:a 854 - PETTY
7 Israel Sowle 0-0-0 0-0-0 0y 0m 0d Yes Sec:C, Lot:18 800 - WESTPORT POINT
8 Carmi Tripp Feb-8-1875 0-0-0 79y 5m 14d Yes Sec:a 859 - TRIPP - GROVES
9 Luthan Wing Jul-13-1877 Nov-4-1783 93y 8m 9d Yes Sec:a 823 - WOOD - WING
10 Silas Wodell Feb-13-1813 0-0-1787 26y 0m 0d Yes Sec:a 841 - WORDELL, RUFUS E.
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