Burial records (Interred)

Thursday Apr 18, 2024  2:31 PM
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  • Currently listing 8 Burial Records.
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Lot Title
Section Plot
Title (mr., dr.)FirstMiddleMaidenLast/SirSuffix (Jr., III)
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No. Name Date death Date Birth Age Veteran Location Cemetery
1 Eliza F Cornell Jan-26-1892 May-12-1823 68y 8m 14d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
2 Julia F Cornell Nov-3-1846 0-0-1844 2y 0m 0d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
3 Weston M Cornell May-6-1877 0-0-1817 60y 0m 0d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
4 Eunice M Gammons Apr-21-1869 Jan-1-1836 33y 3m 21d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
5 Mary Emma Gammons Apr-6-1881 Jan-21-1860 21y 2m 16d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
6 Matthias E Gammons Mar-9-1916 May-31-1831 85y 0m 0d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
7 Susan E Gammons Jul-20-1911 Sep-19-1845 65y 10m 1d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
8 Walter A Gammons Aug-21-1869 Sep-24-1865 3y 10m 28d No Sec:a 811 - GAMMONS - CORNELL
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