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3 Stella Lane (Briggs Landing Development)
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Supplementary Information

1   Marked Stones in this Cemetery
29   Unmarked Stones (Fieldstones) in this Cemetery

There is no G.R. number for this cemetery. This cemetery is within map and lot 22/25 with many unmarked and only one marked stone -- that of Lt. Joshua Petty, a soldier of the Revolutionary Army. It is assumed that this is one of the Petty family cemetery. There is an easement on the property to go to the cemetery. The following information was submitted by I am writing concerning Cemetery WSP #869. Joshua Petty is my 4th great-grandfather. I believe the first mention of this cemetery in deeds of Westport occurs in a deed in vol.58, pgs 230-231 of Bristol Co (New Bedford) Deeds. Thomas Sanford 2nd grants a right of way to Moses Petty (son of Joshua),thence east seven and three fourths degrees south along by the South West corner of the burying ground (lines 15 & 16). This deed was signed on 31 July 1866. The next mention is in a deed in Bristol County (New Bedford), vol. 67, pages 8-10. James L. Snow, Ray Green Pettey (son of Moses), and Louisa Snow (daughter of Moses) convey to John Buckley being the homestead farm late of Moses Pettey, deceased (lines 8 &9) And subject to the right of way across the land hereby conveyed for Thomas Sanford 2nd, as provided in deed from Moses Pettey aforesaid to said Sanford and reserving a burying ground four rods and a half by two rods and a half & on the northerly side of the premises hereby conveyed and a right to pass to and from said burying ground from the road aforesaid.(lines 15-20) This deed is dated 13 May 1870. This was land that I believe was conveyed from Nathan Petty (will gives all of his homestead to his son Joshua; Bristol Co., MA Probate Records, Nathan Petty, Westport, 1809) to Joshua Petty. In a deed dated 15 April 1826, Bristol Co., MA Deeds, vol. 29, pages 222-223. Joshua conveys to Moses Petty One undivided half of my Homestead farm situate in Westport...Considering the above documents, I believe that Rosamond (Potter) Petty wife of Joshua, Moses Pettey, and Phebe (Cook) Petty wife of Moses are also buried in this cemetery. It may also be the burying place of Nathan Petty and his wife (wives?) as his will was probated in Westport in 1809 and this land was conveyed to Joshua in his will. Note: The change in spelling of Petty is spelled as in the documents. I think your website is very well organized and easy to navigate. I hope the above information is helpful. I have copies of the above mentioned documents and would be willing to share with fellow researchers. Nancy Sutton 25 April 2008

Map Details

GPS North: 41.642
GPS West: 71.117
(Readings from: NW corner)

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