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2902 Marked Stones in this Cemetery
0 Unmarked Stones (Fieldstones) in this Cemetery
Does host War Veterans
Does provide easy access
G.R. 3. - gravestone record, Maple Grove Cemetery, Head of Westport, Vital Records to 1850. This cemetery was originally supervised by a private group, the Maple Grove Cemetery Association but now is owned by the Town of Westport and under the supervision of the Cemetery Director. This cemetery is next to Linden Grove Cemetery. There are three additions to the data for Maple Grove not available for the private cemeteries: photo(s) of each stone, a map of the cemetery showing relative locations of plots and the name of the owner(s) of the plot. Detailed information about the stone is left unspecified. Plots of twelve graves were originally sold, but over time plots were divided into one, two, four, six and twelve graves. Numbering is not consistent, so that there exists, e.g., plot 5.5 with six graves, plot 60 with twelve graves and plot 60A with one grave, but not next to each other. In Section A some plots on the East side are denominated by letter names (A - Q). Data and photographs are being entered (as of June 2023) Note: The pump is located on Plot 173. The office building (unattended) and parking are located on plots 123-130 and 211-214.All stones have been sprayed with D/2 Biological Solution. Cleaning is in process as well a restoration of leaning and broken stones. Please check back periodically as we update and provide interactivity with these three sections.
Map Details
GPS North : 41.62271
GPS West : 71.0578 (Readings from: South gate )
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Adams, Charles Frederick Adams, Eunice C. Adams, John H. Adams, Melinthia B. Albert, Charlotte S Alcock, Albert Alcock, Madeline D Allen, Annie Carrie E. Sisson Allen Allen, Charles R. Allen, Charles F. Allen, Christine N. Allen, David B. Allen, Evelyn Gladys L Hambly Allen Allen, Harry Allen, Job Allen, Joseph C Allen, Lillian M. Allen, Louise Allen, Mark Clifford Mary A. Brightman Allen Allen, Mary J. Allen, Milton C. Allen, Montella A Allen, Nancy S. Allen, Patience K Allen, Samuel G Allen, Sarah E. Allen, V. Beatrice Allen, William G. Catherine M. Allen Allison Allison, Charles H. Allison, Charles H. Lucy J. Manchester Allison Allison, William S. Almeida, John R Almeida, John V Almeida, Suzanne J Almy Almy, Allen Almy, Arthur C Almy, Jane A. Almy, Lizzie M. Almy, Willie A Alty, Edward W Alty, Elizabeth E. Alty, Lillian Alty, Reuben H. Alty, Reuben F. Charles H Amann Jr Amaral, Ashley Marie Anderson, Albert Anderson, Edna Anderson, Henrietta Anderson, John Eric Anderson, Ruth Andrews Anna M Wetherell Andrews Andrews, David J Andrews, Duauvon O Andrews, E Chester Andrews, Florence Anna Andrews, Freeman O Andrews, George H Andrews, Hannah W Andrews, James E. James E. Andrews Ii Andrews, James Elmer Andrews, James Edgar Andrews, Laurie J Andrews, Lillian E. Andrews, Margaret Andrews, Mary E. Pvt. Robert H Andrews Andrews, Roby Sadler Rev. Stephen M Andrews Andrews, Thomas Anika, Grace E Anthony, Charles C. Anthony, Emma A. Anthony, Gideon Anthony, Herbert F. Araujo, Scott A Clyde Robert Armstrong Sr Armstrong, David E Armstrong, Lillian B Armstrong, Mary Ann Armstrong, Nancy J Aruda Ashley, Rosa L. Ashton, Laura Bissonnette Atterbury, Ludevena Atterbury, Walter H. Atwood, Martin F Patience L Manchester Atwood Audette, Robert E Avery, Elsie E. Caroline E. Gifford Babcock Babcock, Charles G. Rev. Edwin G. Babcock Babcock, Grace L. Bailey, Fred Bailey, Gwendolyn Flint Baker, Arthur F Baker, Edward Lewis Baker, Edward F Baker, Mary A Baker, Minnie Baker, Sarah S. Baker, Thomas Bardsley, Gladys B Barlow, Alice Love Barlow, Charles E Barlow, Herbert A. Barney, Charles J. Barney, Lucy J. Baron, Daisy E Doris May Rounds Barradas Charles Thomas Greene Bassett Bassett, Isaac Franklin Bassett, Luella E. Bean, Emily Bean, Melvin C Beaulieu, Alfred E. Mary L. Sanford Beaulieu Hannah R. Cornell Begnoche Begnoche, Joseph Belanger, Philip J Belanger, Philip F Bellefeulle, Alplege Bellefeulle, Minne L. Bennett, Caroline H. Bennett, Clarence W. Bennett, Isabel Bennett, Margaret L. Bennett, Martha Rigby Bennett, Mary W. Bennett, Millard F. Bennett, Ruth Jr, William Bennett William H Bennett Sr Berube, John Milton Berube, Mary D Berube, Milton E. Bishop, Catherine M Bishop, Karen F Bishop, William F Bismore, Rhoda King Black, Joseph F Blair, Joseph H Blais, Lumina Blais, M. Louise Blaisdell, Arthur H Blaisdell, Doris F Blaisdell, Lizzie E. Blanchette, Lillian Blanchette, Roland Bliss, Willliam H. Blossom, Alice M. Blossom, Eli W. Blossom, Ella J. Blossom, Louis E. Bly, Corinna S. Bly, Dorothy M. Bly, Ella C. Bly, Francis Bly, Frank C. Bly, Frank M. Bly, Gracie A. Bly, John A. Bly, Lottie A. Bly, Marjorie B. Boan, Alton Allen Boan, Beverly Allen Isabel Stewart Harrop Boan Boan, John Allen Nellie B. Allen Boan Boan, Samuel A. Joan F. Mendes Bobrowiecki Bobrowiecki, Michael A. Bogle, Jane Bonneau, Rosalea F. Arabelle Constance Brightman Borden Borden, Carleton Elmore Borden, Carrie Lillian Borden, Charles H Borden, Charles Lester Borden, Cora A. Borden, David B. Borden, Edwin Borden, Elmer Borden, Elsie Pearl Emma Frances Reed Borden Borden, Evelyn Turner Borden, Frank W Borden, Frederick G. Borden, Geneva Borden, Hazel L. Borden, Helen L. Herbert M Borden Jr Herbert M. Borden Sr Borden, Jane M. Borden, Levi J. Borden, Levi J. Borden, Lillian G. Borden, Louis Franklin Borden, Macie L. Borden, Mary A. Borden, Mary E. Borden, Mary E. Borden, Mercy S. Borden, Milton E. Rev Myra T Borden Nellie F. Conroy Borden Borden, Oliver S Borden, Othniel T Borden, Raymond N Borden, Sarah P Borden, Sarah L. Borden, Thomas E. Borden, Verna Borden, William C. Wilber, Annie Borden Botelho, Leonardo S Botelho, Lucilla P Boucher, Erma Boucher, William Bourger, Marjorie Jenks Bowen, Cora Bowen, James B. Bowen, Willie J. Bowman, Sarah Boyer, Kenneth E Susan Ruth Hopkinson Boyer Boyles, Alice Jennie Boyles, Evelyn C. Boyles, Marjorie L. Boyles, Robert H Boyles, Samuel H Stephen M Boyles Sr Thomas L A Boyles Edith M Tinkham Bradwell Bradwell, Thomas G Gladys E Snell Branchini Branchini, Haldo J. Briggs, Albert B. Briggs, Andrew H. Briggs, Annie M. Briggs, Byron C. Briggs, Chistopher C. Briggs, Clarence C Briggs, Clifton E Briggs, Dorothy L. Briggs, Ella G. Gertrude Mae Perry Briggs Briggs, John A. Briggs, Laura K. Briggs, Lester W. Briggs, Mabel Simmons Briggs, Maria A Mary E. Sherman Briggs Phyllis E Perry Briggs Briggs, Wallace A. Briggs, Wallace Everett Briggs, Wilfred A. Brightman, Adaline Brightman, Agnes Brightman, Alice M Anna J Reddy Brightman Brightman, Annie Brightman, Bertha E Brightman, Carmalita Brightman, Charity Sanford Brightman, Charles F Brightman, Charles Brightman, Charlotte B Brightman, Elinor M Brightman, Elizabeth Brightman, Ellen M Brightman, Frank R Brightman, Franklin E Brightman, George E Brightman, Irvin A Brightman, Joseph B. Brightman, Lillian A. Brightman, Lysander Brightman, Lysander Brightman, Mary E Brightman, Oliver T Brightman, Otis L Brightman, Ruth Amy Brightman, Sarah W Brightman, Sidney H Brightman, Walter J Brightman, Walter D Brightman, William R Brightman, William G Brightman, William O Brightman, Zelotes A Brindle, Anna V Brindle, Henry Ralph Brindle, Henry P Brocklehurst, John S. Brocklehurst, Marion L. Brocklehurst, Mary A. Brocklehurst, Rosalyn Brocklehurst, William Brocklehurst, William Brophy, Abbei K. Brophy, Edna Minne Brophy, Joseph W. Brophy, William M. Brown, Ethel M. Brown, Kathryn Borden Md, Samuel Brown Brown, Willliam R. Brownell, Abraham Brownell, Adley Brownell, Charles A Brownell, Erastus M. Brownell, Esther Brownell, Frederick S. Brownell, Frederick W. Brownell, George P. Brownell, George R. Brownell, Hadley Brownell, Harriet S. Brownell, Harriet E. Ida F. Rounds Brownell Brownell, John T. Brownell, Julius A. Brownell, Lester T. Brownell, Mary E. Rebecca Davis Provance Brownell Brownell, Ruth J. Sarah A. Chace Brownell Brownell, Sarah A. Brownell, Zilphia Louise Buckingham, George L. Avice W Paull Buckley David L Buckley Sr Buckley, Edwin W. Prudence Blossom Francis Buckley Buckley, Wrixsom Burke, James H. Burns, Isabella E. Eliza M. Sherman Burrows Burrows, James F. Burrows, Mary O. Burrows, Ruth J. Burrows, William H. Burt, Rose Anna Burtsell, Clara W. Burtsell, Herman R. Butts, Sarah Emma Cady, Sarah E. Cahill, Hazel F Cahill, Richard T Calnen, Ada Lorraine Calnen, Timothy Joseph Carr, Carrol Ray Carr, Harold Diar Carter, Dorothy May Carter, Ethel Alty Evelyn May Reed Carter Carter, Harold Earle Carvalho, Margaret P Carvalho, Raymond A Castanha, Donna L Castino, Capt. Raymond Cavanagh, May Chace, Charles E. Chace, Charles W. Chace, Charles Chace, Cora Adelaid Chace, Cynthia P. Chace, David T. Chace, David E. Chace, Elena N. Chace, Ella H. Chace, George E. Chace, Henry A Henry Andrews Chace Jr Chace, Israel Chace, Jessie R. Chace, John F. Chace, L. L. Chace, Lester W. Chace, Louise M. Lurana A Jones Chace Chace, Marjorie S Chace, Mary E. Chace, Mary B. Chace, Walter C. Chamberlain, Rev Cephas Chamberlain, Elizabeth Chandler, Grace L Chandler, Marcellus Chase, Benjamin F. Chase, Bernice E. Chase, Cebra Chase, Charles F. Ethel M Goldrick Chase Chase, Eunice M. Chase, Florence C. Chase, Florence Frank O Chase Jr Chase, Frederick Chase, Laura A Chase, Leroy Chase, Marguerete Mary E. Borden Chase Chase, Philip T Chase, Rachel D Chase, William P Chase, William N. Chauvin, Charles E. Chauvin, Rose D Cheetham, Edna R Cheetham, Ellen S Cheetham, George Cheetham, Marion Cheetham, Olive E Cheetham, Royal S Cheetham, Warren J Chormand, Xavier Christian, Dorothy Clardy, Mary Livesey Clark, John E. Clark, Lydia E. Clark, Mary E. Clark, Millard James Cobb, Marilyn M Sherman F Cobb Jr Coderre, David R. Coderre, Robert N Collins Collins Collins, Abbie A Collins, Benjamin F. Collins, Benjamin Collins, Bessie A Collins, Charles Collins, Eugene A. Collins, Kenneth R Collins, Lillian M Collins, Mary W. Collins, Myrtle Collins, Nellie G. Norine M Medeiros Collins Peleg J A Collins Collins, Robert H Collins, Ruth M Verna A Sanford Collins Collins, William R Collins, William N Annie Almy Sisson Conroy Conroy, Eileen Desmond Conroy, Michael Conroy, Walter R. Considine, Thomas Cook, Elizabeth A. Cook, William E. Cookson, Elizabeth A Cookson, Richard Cornell, Alvin G Cornell, Alvin G. Cornell, Augusta P. Cornell, Beatrice V. Cornell, Carrie Cornell, Charles W. Cornell, Clara E. Cornell, Elizabeth E. Cornell, Everett Cornell, Grace E. Cornell, Hilda M Cornell, Jacob Cornell, James H. Cornell, Job Julia A. Hurley Cornell Cornell, Leo C Cornell, Lillian Cornell, Mabel Baker Cornell, Margaret I Cornell, Marjorie E. Cornell, Martha B. Cornell, Mary C. Cornell, Oswald W Cornell, Sanford Brightman Cornell, Sanford B Sarah E. Tripp Cornell Sylvia C. Tripp Cornell Cory, Alice F Cory, Edgar E Cottle, Byron Wood Cottle, Doris Sylvia Cottle, Elizabeth J. Cottle, Lillian B. Melvin Wheeler Cottle Jr Cottle, Melvin Wheeler Cottle, Missouri Webb Cottle, Robert H. Cournoyer, George L Lorna A Reed Cournoyer Cowen, Abram M. Hazel E. Simmons Cowen Cowen, Priscilla Crapo, Baby Barbara E. Dunham Crapo Crapo, Daniel H. Crapo, Florence E. Crapo, George L. George L Crapo Jr Crapo, Grace L. Crapo, John Crapo, Lewis A Lydia Ann Sabins Crapo Crapo, Lydia J. Crapo, Lydia C. Crapo, Maria A Crapo, Nancy B. Crapo, Phineas W. Crapo, Restcombe B. Crapo, Rita P. Crapo, Ruth Crapo, Sarah A. Crapo, Susan A. Craw, Caroline Craw, Leonard H. Craw, Melissa A. Craw, R. Ellen Cree, Barbara Carter Jr, Donald Cree Cree, Lindelle G. Crocker, Acemienth S. Crocker, Betsey C. Crocker, Charles A. Crocker, Charles A. Crocker, David W. Crocker, David Crocker, Mary E. Crocker, Mary L. Crocker, Mary E. Crocker, Peleg Crocker, Saphronia C. Crocker, Sophronia E. Crosby, Annie D Crosman, John F Cross, Edith Cumming, Jamesina B. Cumming, Silas P. Cummings, Charles D. Cummings, Estelle M. Cummings, Melinda Cummings, Michael Cummings, Stephen Wood Cunningham, Beverly Carr D'Agostino, Joanne Jr, Ralph D'Agostino Thelma S. Branchini D'Agostino Dahill, Rebecca A Davis, Abiel Davis, Deacon Abiel Davis, Allen A Davis, Andrew P Davis, Betsey A. Davis, Charles L Davis, Charles T Davis, Christopher Davis, Dawn Marie Davis, Elton C. Davis, Elton Davis, Frank Davis, George A. Davis, Hannah B. Davis, Hazel I Davis, Helen A Davis, Hiram N. Davis, Hiram F. Davis, James E Davis, John G. Davis, Deacon Jonathan Davis, Jonathan Davis, Kevin Davis, Louisa Davis, Louisa Davis, Lovisa Davis, Mabel M. Davis, Malvina J. Davis, Maude C. Davis, Montelia A Davis, Nilda A Davis, Rev Perry Davis, Perry Davis, Rachel Davis, Rachel Davis, Rhoda Davis, Ruth W. Davis, Ruth B Davis, Ruth Myrick Davis, Ruth Ellen Davis, Shirley Helen Davis, Stephen P. Davis, Susan C. Viola I Ramsey Davis Davis, William A. Davis, Willie T Davoll, Abbie E. Davoll, Ada G. Davoll, Albert F. Davoll, Daisy B. Davoll, Franklin A. Davoll, Hazel J. Davoll, James E. Davoll, Stella Brownell Deandrade, Evelyn M. Deandrade, Frank Deandrade, Grace A Deandrade, John Deandrade, June A. Deandrade, Manuel Deandrade, Ronald J Deandrade, Sophie Deane, Charles L. Deane, Ida S. Deane, Lyman W. Decosta, Jarrad M. Deegan, Andrew R. Annie A. Ridley Delano Delano, Annie Louise Delano, Arthur Joseph Delano, Arthur J Arthur J Delano Jr Delano, Barbara Charles E P Delano Delano, Dora Delano, Joseph K Delano, Lucy E Delano, Raymond B. Roy N R Delano Demagellisis, Geronoimo Pinto Demetrahus, Stephen Deplitch, John E. Deschenes, Kathleen Bean Desmarais, Nadine Desmarais, Robert R. Desmond, Mary Parsons Devine, Leah E Devine, Robert V Dexter, Hilda S. Dexter, Janet Sherman Dexter, Raymond C. Dion, Doris May Dog Dog Dog Dog Dolman, Daniel Dolman, Ellen Emily A. Healy Dolman Dolman, James Frederick Dolman, John Donavan, Maureen A. Dorfler, Amann William F L Drago Dreher, Florence A. Dreher, Walter E Jr, Walter Dreher Driesen, Claire Driesen, Donald Driscoll, Alice Drown, Charles H. Drown, Mary A. Sarah M. H. Drown Duff Duff Duffany, Charles Duffany, Dora D. Duffany, Ida R. Duffany, Mary Celina Duffany, Mary C. Durfee, Louisa A Durfee, William D. Earle, Isaac D. Earle, Mary E. Edwards, Charles A. Betsey J. Wordell Ellis Ellis, Charles H. Ellis, Ethel M. Ellis, Franklin Ellis, George F. Ellis, George H. Ellis, John T. Ellis, John M. Ellis, Lydia A. Ellis, Mabel M. Ellis, Maria L. Ellis, Thomas K. Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Entwistle, Annie E. Entwistle, Edith E. Entwistle, Emmons D. Entwistle, John Entwistle, Martha A. Entwistle, Susanna Entwistle, Wilfred D. Erickson, Georgianna B Erickson, Ian Erickson, Reed J Erickson, Robert D Fanning, Albertina Hall Fanning, Robert M. Farley, Charles A. Farley, Effie M. Ernest L Faulkner Jr Faulkner, Ernest L. Faulkner, Harrie E Faulkner, Mildred Faulkner, Minnie F. Faulkner, Susan Ethel Annie D. Tripp Feenan Feenan, Arthur L. Feenan, Bernard C. Feenan, Carl T. Feenan, Deborah M. Feenan, Eleanor P. Elva E. Cornell Feenan Feenan, Henry Feenan, Henry A. Feenan, Homer W. Feenan, Miriam M. Feenan, Shirley Clara Ferland, Arthur R. Fernandes, Jose J. Fernandez, Joseph A Teresa Leona Hawes Fernandez Fernandez, Winifred R Ferreira, David S Ferreira, David Ferreira, Mary F Ferris, Alice J Ferry, Carol Ann Ferry, Scott David Ferry, William Field, Albert H. Field, Janice L. Field, Lydia A Fields, Charles W. Clara E. Tripp Fields Dorothy M. Ellis Finni Finni, Paul J Diane H. Pettey Finucci Finucci, Louis F. Fletcher, Katherine Floreno, Thomas R Flugel, George H. Foley, Alice L. Fontes, Alice Fraits, Alice M Fraits, Arthur M Fraits, Arthur C Fraits, Bertha S Fraits, Charles T Fraits, Cora F Fraits, Dorothy B Fraits, Jo Ann Fraits, Lucy P Francis, Edward William Francis, Edward Sherman Emma M. Crapo Francis Francis, Gertrude E Isabella S. Smith Francis Francis, John E. Francis, Wilfred N Franco, James Franco, Susan Healy Franco, Susan Healy Clara L Mosher Fredrickson Fredrickson, William Freelove, Alexander C. Freelove, Clinton A. Harold S Freelove Jr Freelove, Isabella Freelove, Leonard S. Freelove, Mary A. Freelove, Rita C Freelove, Sarah E. Freelove, Theodore Franklin Freelove, William T. Frias, Ann Delano Frias, Raymond C Fritze, Bernard O Fritze, Donald R Fritze, Elsie M Erik B 'Big E' Fritze Fritze, Ernest Donald Mable H. Barney Frost Frost, Milton Furtado, Emily Thomas Joseph T Furtado Jr Furtado, Joseph T Furtado, Lora Whalon Gagne, Raymond Gallego, Helen M Ruth M. Lawton Gamson Gardner, Agnes Black Gardner, Bruce P. Garland, Emma M. Garland, Stephen Gaudreau, Gladys S Gaudreau, Joseph A. Cheryl Lynn Pereira Gauvin Geddis, Annette Florence B Sanford Geddis Geddis, George K J Garfield Geddis Jr Geddis, James Garfield Geddis, Marion H Geddis, Sanford G Gendreau, Judith J. Gendreau, Leanna G Gendreau, Normand E Gibson, Abbie R. Gibson, Horace M. Gidley, Abbie W. Gidley, Benjamin W Gidley, Byron A. Gidley, Clarisse Gidley, Eliza Gidley, Elsie M Gidley, Eunice K. Gidley, Franklin P. Gidley, Freddie Gidley, Frederick W Gidley, Kenneth E. Gidley, Lillian G. Gidley, Mary L Gidley, Nancy W Gidley, Norman A Gidley, Philip C. Gidley, Philip H. Sarah S Russell Gidley Gidley, Thomas A Gidley, Unknown Gidley, Unknown Gidley, Unknown Dr Abraham A Gifford Gifford, Adelbert F Gifford, Albert C. Alexander G. Gifford Iii Gifford, Alexander G Gifford, Andrew A. Gifford, Arline A. Gifford, Benjamin F. Bertha Warren Norman Gifford Gifford, Carrie D Gifford, Charles Fred Gifford, Charles Frank Gifford, Charles F Gifford, Clara M. Clarissa M. Pettey Gifford Dellaphine E. Kirby Gifford Gifford, Dorothy Robbins Gifford, Earl M. Gifford, Elihu B. Gifford, Elizabeth H. Gifford, Emma Freelove Gifford, Etta M. Gifford, Etta M. Gifford, Etta M. Gifford, Everett L Gifford, Fidelia Gifford, George E. Gifford, George A Gifford, George C. Gifford, Georgianna Gifford, Harold B. Harriet N. White Gifford Gifford, Hope G Gifford, Jireh C. Gifford, Lemuel M Gifford, Levi Gifford, Lucy A. Gifford, Mary Mae Mary E. Sowle Gifford Gifford, Meribah A. Gifford, Nathaniel T. Gifford, Norman Lowe Gifford, Norman C Phebe A. Nickerson Gifford Phoebe A Mosher Gifford Gifford, Prudence Brownell Gifford, Roy Milton Gifford, Ruth E. Gifford, Shirley M Gifford, Walter W. Gifford, Walter L. Gifford, Walter Gifford, Wendell Howard Gifford, William S. Gill, Eunice E Gill, James D. Gill, Sadie T. Gill, Thomas H. Gingras, Estelle E. Gingras, George Z. Giusti, Douglas Gleason, Edith P Gleason, James T Gledhill, Arthur Gledhill, Minnie Goldrick, Edna G Goldrick, Emma E Goldrick, Ethel G Goldrick, Helen S James F Goldrick Jr Goldrick, James F Goldrick, Robert Newton Goodrum, Gladys M Goodrum, Joseph C. Gormally, John J Gormally, Mary T Gormally, Timothy L Gouveia, Emma S Gouveia, Manuel G Estella C Pierce Grace Antonio B Gracia Jr Gracia, Donald Jean E Zembo Gracia Graham, Elizabeth S. Graham, George W. Gray, Amy A. Greene, David R. Greene, Mary E. Greenwood, Clifton Greenwood, George L Greenwood, George O