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G.R. 12. - graveston record, George Wing private lot, on road from Handy's corner to Head of Westport. Cemetery is on private property to the rear of a former restaurant.
From Richard Gifford, Hartford, Ct.
George White (1792-1859 is the great-grandson of William White and Elizabeth Cadman. He is: George7(Obed6,George5,William4,Sylvanus3, Peregrine2,William1) White, who married Rhoda Tripp. He is a brother to Eunice (White) Kirby, who seems to be buried in cemetery in WSP 807, and son of Obed & Sarah (Peckham) White of cemetery WSP 873. George5 White (and William4, for that matter)may lie under one of the uncarved stones in WSP 873. All of these Whites would have descended from the Mayflower Pilgrims Peregrine White, William White, Susanna White, Francis Cooke, John Cooke and Richard Warren (the last three via William4 White's marriage to Elizabeth Cadman). GRAVESTONES CLEANED AND FOUR DOWN/TOPPLED STONES RESET NOVEMBER 2019
12 marked burial stones
0 fieldstones
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