Cemetery Plot Map: LINDEN GROVE

Saturday Feb 08, 2025  5:04 PM
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0 Reed Road

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Supplementary Information

G.R. 2. - Gravestone record, Linden Grove Cemetery, Head of Westport, Vital Records to 1850. The cemetery was originally supervised by the private group, Linden Grove Association, but is now part of Town of Westport property and supervised by the Town Cemetery Director. This cemetery is next to Maple Grove Cemetery. There are three additions to the data for Linden Grove not available for the private cemeteries: photo(s) of each stone, a map of the cemetery showing relative locations of lots and the name of the owner(s) of the lot. There is only one "section" in Linden Grove. The Westport Gravestone Cleaning and Restoration Group has cleaned all the stones in Linden Grove using D/2 Biological Solution for cleaning. Most broken and leaning stones have been restored as of June 2023. Funding has been provided for training of the persons doing the work using CPA funding. CPA funding has also paid for supplies. Information on many of the interred has also been provided by Laura Oliviera, Todd Baptista and Troy Rebello.

Created by Garry Harstad Hosted by DailyRazor.com